How do I Recycle my EM Collar

How do I Recycle my EM Collar

Metal Clasps can be recycled.  The cork from the collars is biodegradable.

Cork can be broken down into smaller pieces and used as a natural mulch in your garden. This application helps retain moisture in the soil, repels insects, and contributes to a healthy growing environment for your plants. It's a sustainable way to enrich your garden while recycling.

EM Beads can be reused in several ways.

Composting: Add the used beads to your compost. They will enrich the soil with beneficial minerals.

Reuse in the Garden: Use them as a soil amendment by mixing them with potting soil to improve soil structure and quality. You could place them in your pot plants.

Deodoriser: Place the used beads in spaces like cupboards or drawers to continue absorbing odours.

In Water: Place the beads  in water butts, or ponds or animal trough to help with algae growth.


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